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Buyer’s Guide: Dolly Parton

December 30, 2008 Kevin John Coyne 17

Building a music collection used to be a far more difficult thing, a dogged hunt through record stores and mail order catalogs, hoping to find what you were looking for.   The advent of the internet

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Discussion: Legacy Recordings

December 27, 2008 Kevin John Coyne 2

Tonight, I turn over our discussion to one of our readers.    He suggested I write about this topic myself, but his suggestions were already far better than anything that I would have come up with.  

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Discussion: Recommend a Track

December 12, 2008 Kevin John Coyne 16

I used to think that Dolly Parton’s early country tragedy songs were over the top.  Then I heard some of Porter Wagoner’s, and realized that she’d actually toned down some of his excesses.    Nothing is

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