Review: Ashley Monroe with Ronnie Dunn, “I Don’t Want To”

Ashley Monroe with Ronnie Dunn, “I Don’t Want To”

Monroe impressed me with her debut single, “Satisfied.” I still really dig her voice, though she throws in a few too many trills here. She’ll gain better control over time. As for Ronnie Dunn’s harmony, it’s certainly distinctive, but overwhelms her most of the time. It sounds like they’re both singing lead. Vince Gill would’ve been a better choice for blending with her.

Grade: B-

Listen Now: I Don’t Want To


  1. “Satisfied” might’ve been a little too smart for radio, and I don’t particularly like “I Don’t Want To” either. However, I recently got a chance to listen to Ms. Monroe’s album and it is very impressive. Contrary to what you hear in this single, her interpretive skills seem quite strong, especially on a song like “Hank’s Cadillac” where, despite the bravado of the lyrics, she gives the song a haunting sense of insecurity that, like most of the album, seems influenced by the untimely death of her father. Another cut worth listening to is “I Don’t Wanna Be;” the theme of this album clearly seems to be a longing for the idyllic life that was taken from her at a young age. Finally, the album features a fun duet with Dwight Yoakam that is better than the cut with Ronnie Dunn.

  2. Ashley Monroe really reminds me of Mindy McCready. I think the song “I Don’t Want To” is great, and I don’t really think that Ronnie Dunn overpowers her.

  3. I love Ashley and Ronnie’s voices together. I think she has the female voice that matches the male voice of Ronnie Dunn. Their voices compliment each other. Great

  4. I don’t see how you can even begin to compare them to Vince Gill. Personally he sucks!! Ronnie Dunn has an excellent voice and by far i like Ashley and him together!!! She’ll go far in the country industry if she sticks with it. Good Luck Girl…Love Ya!!

  5. i love this song!! it is so personal and anyone who has ever had someone in their life who touched them can really relate to it. i have to say that i dont like the beginning before she starts singin but she really picks it up off the ground as soon as she starts singing!!

  6. Love the song I don’t Want To – says a whole lot for the few women left in the world that don’t feel the need to have several guys on their dating list.
    Only one problem – cannot find it to purchase it….

  7. I Love Ashley, I’ve been following her for a long time now and I really hope she doesn’t become on of the many great new artists who get pushed aside because they didn’t chart high enough. Satisfied was better but I Don’t Wan To was very good also, Here’s to hoping they release Pony next that’s a great song that she sounds great on.

  8. I love this song so much, I downloaded it to be my ringtone. Personally I don’t think Ronnie Dunn adds anything to it, but I really love Ashley Monroe’s voice. She sounds very much like her idol Dolly Parton. The only problem is, I’ve looked everywhere for her album, even on Amazon, and can’t find anything on her. Would someone please tell me where I can buy it?

  9. I don’t want to – I love the words “I don’t want to” – voice, words, music – can reach in deep and touch the soul. We all have things in our lives that inside we feel “I don’t want to” – magical times, moments that are never forgotten – Ashley and Ronnie together sound good.

  10. I agree with Steph comment about Ashley sounding like Dolly, but totally disagree with
    her comment about Ronnie. “I don’t want to” is my choice for song of the year. I would love to see an album with Ashley and Ronnie. Why is Ashley’s album so hard to find?
    If it was not for CMT we would not even know of Ashley in California. The radio stations
    in San Jose are more then a day late.

  11. “I don’t see how you can even begin to compare them to Vince Gill. Personally he sucks!!”

    Whoa! Them are fightin’ words!:)

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