Lee Brice, “Happy Endings”

Lee Brice’s second single is leaps better than his first. “Happy Endings” finds a man in Myrtle Beach watching his woman walk out on him. She’s hopping in the car and driving to California. He’s not thinking she’s coming back, but hey, it’s a long drive and maybe she’ll get to missing him. After all, “Happy endings happen all the time.” But his sad, matter-of-fact delivery suggests he’s resigned to the fact that there won’t be one this time.

Grade: B+

Listen: Happy Endings


  1. Do you think that we could get a woman getting into her car and driving countdown/list? It seems to be a prevalent theme which would lend itself to the CU formula.

  2. I love the song. I wasn’t very impressed with She Ain’t Right and when I heard this song I could have never guessed it was him. This song is much better and hopefully a much more successful single.

  3. I agree, this beats the pants off Lee’s first single, and is much more appealing to the casual listener. You hit it right on the head… what grabs me about this song is that he seems to be trying to convince himself that he, too, could have a happy ending, though he seems resigned to accept that it isn’t going to happen. Just wishing, just hoping. It’s a new angle, and I think it will grab a large audience that can relate.

    In a similar note on Lee, he preformed Garth’s latest hit, “More Than A Memory”, which he co-wrote, at a recent show, and it really displays his adeptability. I think that this kid may just be around for a while.

  4. This song is fantastic. It showcases his abilities as not only as a talented songwriter, but as a performer as well. Lee feels everything he sings, and his emotion is extremely obvious in his performance of this song. This song is just the start of more amazing things to come from this guy…he’s definitely going to be around for a long long time. Love Ya Big Country!

  5. While this song isn’t one that I really like, I was struck by his vocal delivery. As Kevin says, he sounds sad (or resigned, as Mike said). It’s almost like he’s weakly protesting to doubters (which obviously includes himself), “happy endings happen all the time.”

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