Single Review: Edens Edge, “Amen”

Add another track, and another new act, to my “Thank God for 2011” list.

Confident, completely country instrumentation.  A lyrical framework – “Can I get an amen?” – that I can’t believe hasn’t been used before, at least anywhere that I heard it.

And it’s not done in a Hallmark kind of way, either. Finally falling in love, finally walking away from the girl that the guy was too good for. These are the little everyday moments that make us say “Amen.”

The vocals? They get the job done. They complement the music nicely, and don’t get in the way of telling the story.

I wonder how many songs I might like by Lady Antebellum or Jason Aldean if they sounded like this. Not that those artists should change their sounds to meet my tastes, but it’s nice to hear something tailored to my preferences, especially from a new young band.

Good stuff.

Grade: B+

Listen: Amen



  1. They’re Belmont Bruins!

    Still, I wonder if we’re kinda overloaded with the groups/duos now. I guess we’ve got quite a few solo male vocalists, though, so…

  2. Dan, I’m with you about the oversaturation of groups, but I suppose we can’t argue if there’s quality in the music.

    Honestly, the lead singer’s voice kind of bothers me, but I really like the song. I can relate to this “everyday” song much more than I can all of the “I’m proud to be from the country” songs.

  3. I listened to the song on their MySpace video from a TV show appearance. They sounded good and said that an album is scheduled for next year. I like “Amen” but it’s not a “wow” song for me – a song I want to play again and again.

  4. Wwwaaayyyyy too much jesus for me, for a song that really isn’t religious in nature. The lead’s voice is a bit like the lady from The Bandy Perry, but not as ‘smooth’.

  5. Regarding the scarcity of the “Can I Get An Amen” lyrical reference, see the recent Andy Griggs single by that name.

    (And after you’ve finished listening, I recommend washing its ignorant brashness from your mind with his far better, Gretchen Peters-penned single “If Heaven”)

    I’m trying to think of vocal precedents for the lead singer, and coming up mostly empty. She’s certainly a high-voiced singer, by which I mean most comfortable a few notes above middle C (as opposed to Jessica Andrews and Sara Evans, for instance, to name two of my favorite altos).

    I’m tempted to mention Amanda Wilkinson as far as tonal quality, though from this song I’m fairly confident Amanda Wilkinson is the more technically proficient singer… but I think I might be subconsciously identifying similarities in the harmonies used by the two groups.

  6. Wow! I have heard them several times and the Band Perry they are not. I believe there just a couple notches above them there group vocals are very good and instrumentally there far better. The Band Perry has a member that rarely involves himself in harmony and thumps a bass and thats it. So if you compare group talent they are hands down a better group. And taking nothing away from Kim Perry but you cant compare lead vocals to Hannah Blaylock that is a landslide for Blaylock. But, ones raspy and unique and the other could sound like various other power sopranos but hold on because you really don’t know EE and in two years some opinions are sure to change. OH! and to whoever said Kim Perry has a smooth, yes a smooth voice must not have heard them I enjoy her voice but smooth and raspy are hard to confuse.

  7. I saw The Band Perry and Edens Edge play more or less side by side at the Opry, and let me tell you, EE stole the show. All the leads played by them, and an overall quality of instrumentation and tightness of vocals, that TBP just doesnt have. Oh and they just go about swappin banjo’s, mando’s, dobro’s, guitar’s etc. Dont see that too much these days. Im sayin give EE a bit to mature playing infront of arena’s and these guys are gonna steal the show. Good Luck to them!

  8. I can tell you for certain as I stood on the set and listened to this group make their first music video, I was blown away, not only with the blend of the groups “vocals”, but you MUST listen to the lead singer Hannah, who absolutley has the “great quality” of a Dolly Parton, or an Alison Krauss. Her flawless perfect pitch and angelic voice will become so addictive once you have a chance to listen to her… a songwriter and singer at one point in my life, I can tell you for sure….this group will do amazing things…just sit back and listen!

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