Uncle Tupelo

Sunday Selections: May 1, 2016
Merle Haggard passed away on April 6th, and it has taken just about 20 days for people to try to politicize his death.

Bargain Hunter: Avetts, Adkins, Swift & More
It’s been a while since we’ve done one of these, distracted as we’ve been by decade-end madness, but now seems like an appropriate day to jump back in, with a diverse bevy of MP3 albums being offered at Amazon for 5 bucks or better. As always, click on the box to listen to clips or to reach the album’s download page.
First up is the Daily Deal, the Avett Brothers’ excellent 2007 set Emotionalism, going today for $1.99. This group kind of defies genre classification, but they have enough of an earthy quality to their music to appeal to the Americana set. They’re building quite a following, too.