“Let’s Chase Each Other Around the Room”
Merle Haggard
Written by Merle Haggard, Freddy Powers, and Sheril Rodgers
#1 (1 week)
September 22, 1984
While the new traditionalists were making their presence known on country radio by 1984, there was an old traditionalist still around to show them how it’s done.
After so many harrowing divorce numbers in recent years, Haggard’s celebration of a rejuvenated marriage is a pleasant change of pace. Outside their bedroom, all that awaits them is pettiness and jealousy, so why go out? Instead, Haggard encourages his wife to be as playful and randy as they were on their wedding night.
Strip away the vocal, and this backing track would’ve fit perfectly on George Strait’s upcoming Does Fort Worth Ever Cross Your Mind album, which would set him up for the longest run on country radio of any artist in history.
But in 1984, that was a title that Haggard himself was contending for, and “Let’s Chase Each Other Around the Room” is a wonderful reminder of how his strengths as a singer and a songwriter sustained him for so long.
It’s one of his best eighties hits, and as this feature continues to demonstrate, that was one hell of a decade for the country music legend.
“Let’s Chase Each Other Around the Room” gets an A.
Every No. 1 Single of the Eighties
Previous: Jim Glaser, “You’re Gettin’ to Me Again” |
The dynamic of having country legends like Haggard still having number one hits as the New Traditionalist movement began to take form is one of the most intriguing aspects of the ’80s’ charts to date.
Haggard’s output the first half of this decade rivals any of his other creative career high points.
He sounds supremely comfortable and confident here, relaxed and in control.
It might have been about now that people were realizing he just might be the greatest vocalist country music has ever known.
Hats-off to the Hag!